A professional team in Munich-Schwabing, committed to excellence and creativity.
Communication that is strategic, transparent, reliable and above all effective.
Clients who are among the best in professional services, private equity and medium-sized businesses.


IWK Communication Partner - PR-Agentur München - Team

Creative ideas, new strategies

Clearly, 1 is more than 0 and less than 2. This is already a story. However, this can only be the beginning, just like a good story can merely be the beginning of good communication. We use these figures but we look beyond: Abstract topics become tangible, complex content comprehensible. This way, we add life, emotion and substance to fact-driven corporate communication. Why? Because it is remembered much better than a plain digit like 1.

Passionate media specialists

We have made it our mission to approach hard facts and complex topics more creatively. We turn figures into stories, stories into good communication and good communication into overall strategies based on a wide range of diverse solutions, formats and propositions. That is because we aren’t better management consultants or financial experts, aren’t better engineers or entrepreneurs. We are however better communicators, who find solutions with the greatest possible impact, while acting as mediators between the facts and the public.


Small but excellent:
We are not an international network agency, we are an owner-managed consultancy with a small team that enjoys working closely with clients and achieving considerable success for them.


was the founding year in Munich (more about our 2019 anniversary)


dedicated employees


years of practiced communication


newbies introduced to PR


press releases per year


clippings in a year


m² of space for good ideas


on air


Long-term PR strategy and media work, design of corporate publishing products and the organisation of tailor-made event formats – we come into contact with a wide range of industries and business models, encounter diverse kinds of media and advise top management on all communication matters. Creating attention and effectively placing topics, views and expertise in the spotlight – all of this requires passion, which our management has developed over many years of professional experience.

Ira Wülfing

Founder, Managing Partner

The Ira Wülfing Kommunikation (today IWK) founder’s credo: “We are committed to joint success with our clients, instead of merely working off projects.”

Die Basis dafür: „Das Konzept muss Erfolg versprechend und durchdacht sein“, meint Ira Wülfing. Dabei setzt der kreative Kopf der Agentur auf ein ausgezeichnetes Netzwerk an Medienkontakten, ein tiefes Gespür für die Belange der Kunden und das Gefühl für jene Themen, die auch morgen und übermorgen die Öffentlichkeit interessieren.

Was noch hilft? „Viel lachen“, sagt Ira Wülfing, „denn wenn’s Spaß macht, wird’s gut“.

Vor dem Start mit der eigenen Agentur 2004 lagen ein Studium der Theaterwissenschaften, der Kunstgeschichte und der Psychologie. Und 15 Jahre PR in unterschiedlichsten Positionen mit verschiedensten Kunden und mit wertvollsten Erfahrungen. Was dabei immer wichtig war: 360 Grad Denken, Out-of-the-box-Ideen und ein strategischer Plan.

Florian Bergmann

Senior Director, Member of Management

“Keep calm and rely on PR“ – Florian Bergmann’s professional motto stands for the effectiveness of corporate communication, which he feels confident about.

„Als Mittler zwischen Wirtschaft und Öffentlichkeit haben wir eine spannende Aufgabe: Schöne Geschichten aufspüren und erzählen, knifflige Situationen entschärfen und Erfolge im rechten Licht glänzen lassen“, sagt er. Oder anders ausgedrückt: „Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren, deshalb kommuniziert man lieber besser.“

In der Welt der Corporate Communications ist Florian Bergmann seit rund 15 Jahren zuhause – zuerst von der Pike auf in einer renommierten, mittelständischen Agentur, dann bei der größten deutschen Wirtschaftskanzlei. Bei IWK ist er seit dem Jahr 2016 an Bord. Florian Bergmann hat ein Magisterstudium in Politikwissenschaft, Recht und Wirtschaftsgeografie in München und Venedig abgeschlossen und als freier Journalist gearbeitet.


Communication Partner: Together we achieve more

We could be writing that our clients are advised by the management. That we have a senior team with around a century of PR and communication experience. That we don’t make promises we cannot keep. That we are doers, holistica and strategic thinkers, who are only satisfied when you are. That ‘IWK’ stands for Information, Worthiness and Knowledge. For Integrity, Wordsmithery and Kingmakers. For ‘Information With Karma’. We could come up with much more.

Intelligent corporate communication

We are all of that and more, but it is not what defines us. IWK stands for a different way of approaching topics, communication and its channels. In order to achieve your goals, you sometimes have to call a spade a spade and not beat about the bush, because not every idea bears fruits. But almost every idea deserves to be thought through to the end. For that, it needs its space and time. We cultivate that by not prescribing our customers a run-of-the-mill process, but by evolving with our partner’s requirements, projects and goals.

One might call it “Intelligente Wirtschaftskommunikation”: intelligent corporate communication. Hard facts and complex topics grow into highly diverse storylines, formats, and decisions for different communication channels, for which we identify the most suitable approach in cooperation with editors, journalists and disseminators.

All of this requires the expertise, commitment and curiosity of our employees from a wide range of disciplines. From humanities to business economics, from law to political studies – it’s that mix, which makes us special, which we value greatly.